Prime Minister Youth Loan Program Online Apply 2023 Check status

In this post today you will be given information about getting a loan under the Prime Minister youth program. Under the Prime Minister youth program, you are given a loan for business. And this loan will be given to you through specific banks. Who can apply to get a loan under this program?

How much will you get at least under the Prime Minister youth program? And how much you can get under this program as much as possible. You can only Prime Minister Youth Program Online Apply to get a loan under the Prime Minister Youth Program. And no application has been received anywhere in this regard. How can you Prime Minister Youth Program Online Apply to get this loan? In this regard, you will be described in this post.

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In Pakistan you can get industry or pig-free loans. At the same time, you must click on the bell icon so that you can keep getting the updates of every information video on this channel. all to get a loan under the prime minister youth program Pakistani citizens can apply. Under this program, two types of people are loaded.

Who can apply to the Prime Minister’s Youth Program?

All Pakistani citizens can apply to receive loans under the Prime Minister’s Youth Program. Under this program, two types of people are loaded. First all Pakistani citizens aged 21 to forty-five years. And already someone is running the industry.

Or there are big businessmen. They can apply for the loan. Others are all Pakistanis who are at least eighteen years old. And they want to do business with regard to IT or e-commerce. And in this regard, they need a loan. So all those people can apply to get a loan in this category.

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Prime Minister Youth Program 3 Tapes Loan

Under the Prime Minister Youth Program, you are given three tape loans.

First type

The first type is Tier One in this category you are lent up to a maximum of five million rupees. And the best thing is that you don't have to pay any interest or markup on this loan. That is, you will not have to pay any interest on this type of loan.

Second type

The second type is Tier Two in this category you are given a loan of up to a minimum of five million and a maximum of 1.5 million rupees. On this loan, you have to pay a five-cent interest rate of the loan.

Third type

The third type is Tire 3 In this category you are given a loan of at least 1.5 million rupees and a maximum of 500,000 rupees۔ On this loan you have to pay for the amount of loan۔

The best of the three

There is a better tire in the loan of these three types because you will not have to pay any interest in this type loan.

Prime Minister Youth Program No Loan Approll

If you applied for a loan in the previous government under the Prime Minister Youth Program. And your loan application has not yet been approved. So you have to apply for a loan again through this new method.

People who will not receive a loan.

Do note who can apply to get this loan. All those who are out of the country. They can't apply to get this loan. If you are a government employee. So you can't apply hard for this loan.

What is the requirement to apply for loans under the Prime Minister Youth Program? They do note.

  1. Both men and women can apply to get this loan.
  2. Yes, of course, the twenty-five percent share of this loan is reserved for women only.
  3. At least there is no degree of education to be applied.
  4. But if someone has an education, it will be easier to get a loan through the bank.
  5. If you are doing any business regarding IT or e-commerce.
  6. So in this regard, you will also need a Qualification Certificates Diploma or a license in this regard.

Prime Minister Youth Program Online Apply 2023

Now I'll tell you. How do you apply to get a loan under the Online Prime Minister Youth Program? First, you open the official website of the Prime Minister Youth Program. After opening the website you have three options shown. The first option is. apply for lan By using this option you will apply for a loan.

After applying for a loan, you can use this option to check your application status. The third option is the calculator by using this option you can check the complete schedule regarding the payment of the loan. To apply for a loan, you click on the link to the Apple for Loan. There will be a discrimmer show on your screen.

Click on the close button. You will have a new screen show in front of you. You have to enter your Nadra ID card number. Type the date of issue on your Nadra ID card on the wheel here, the date of the adra. In the tire option, the dope-down menu will have three options in front of you. What I've told you about.

If you need a loan of up to 500,000. So select Tier One. Then you click on the enter button. You will then be known for more. This way your application will be submitted. Take note of the documents you have to upload to this application. Number one passport-size picture.

Number Two You have to upload your Nadra ID card front and backside screen image. No. 3 Upload the scanned image of your educational certificate. No. Four Expression Certificate if. So scan a copy and upload it. Number five business license which the chamber of commerce issues.

Prime Minister Youth Program Online Apply

Its scan copy also has to be uploaded. Number six is tax peer. So the scanned image of the NTN certificate must also be uploaded. Gelon will be given to you through the Bank of Punjab National Bank of Pakistan Military Bank, HBL, and Mezzan Bank.

Calculate after receiving the loan

How much will his selected installation be after receiving the loan? Click on the calculator button to calculate it. In the Next screen here, do the amount you have taken as a loan. For example, you have taken five million rupees. So where type five lakhs. And from the drop-down menu for as many years as I have taken.

They choose, for example, you have been loaded for a year. So you select a from the drop-down menu. Then click the calculate button. So on the next screen, you will have all the details in front of you.

If you have applied for the loan. And want to see his status. So click on the track link for it. The page will be in front of you. It has to give you four pieces of information. Then click the Submit button. You will have an application status show. Friends hope. You may have liked this information post regarding the Prime Minister Youth Loan Program.

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