PMT Score Nadra check online by New Easy Method 2023 -24

Checking your PMT Score Nadra is a convenient way to get an update on your academic progress. 

The Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) has made it mandatory for medical colleges to submit regular progress reports of their students. 

These progress reports are compiled into PMT scores that students can view by checking online on the Nadra website.

What is a PMT Score Nadra?

A PMT or Pakistan Medical and Dental Council Test score is a cumulative score given to medical students in Pakistan based on their academic performance throughout the 5 years of MBBS study. The PMT score is calculated based on a student’s scores in professional examinations conducted across all medical colleges affiliated with PMDC. This includes yearly professional exams as well as aggregate scores from all 5 years.

PMT Score Nadra check online

The purpose of having a nationwide PMT scoring and ranking system is to maintain uniform standards across government and private medical colleges in Pakistan. The PMT score provides students with an objective assessment of their academic standing on a national level. It also enables PMDC to analyze the quality of education imparted in different medical colleges based on their students’ PMT scores.

Why check PMT Scores online via Nadra?

Nadra or National Database and Registration Authority has set up an online PMT score checking facility on their website. Students can conveniently view their latest PMT score and ranking by checking online on Nadra through their secure login credential.

Some key benefits of checking PMT score online via Nadra include:

  • Real-time score updates: As soon as your medical college submits the latest professional exam results and academic progress reports, the PMT Score Nadra gets updated instantly. Students can view the most updated score by checking online.
  • Improved transparency: The online system makes it easier for students to review their scores at any time. There is more transparency in the calculation and compilation of the PMT score.
  • Accessibility: Students can access their scores from anywhere conveniently by logging in to the Nadra online portal through internet-enabled devices. No need to personally visit the medical council office.
  • Quick verification for official purposes: Students often need to provide proof of their PMT Score Nadra for various academic requirements or official documentation. The online Nadra system generates an instant PMT scorecard that can be used as an official verified document.

How to check PMT score on Nadra website?

Checking your PMT score online through Nadra is easy and convenient. Just follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Go to Nadra’s website using this link:

Step 2: Click on the “PMT Score Nadra” button visible on the homepage.

Step 3: You will be redirected to the PMT Score portal. Click on “Check Your PMT Score” button.

Step 4: Enter your CNIC number and press “Search”. Your Nadra verified PMT score profile will open.

Step 5: The PMT score tab shows your latest cumulative score, professional exam wise split, medical college aggregate, national ranking position and score comparison vs previous years.

That’s it! Within few seconds you can check and analyze your complete Pakistan Medical and Dental Council Test score issued by PMDC.

How is PMT score calculated?

The PMT score comprises of 100 points allocated from a student’s five years of MBBS study. This includes:

  • 1st Professional Exam: 15 points
  • 2nd Professional Exam: 15 points
  • 3rd Professional Exam – Part 1: 15 points
  • 3rd Professional Exam – Part 2: 15 points
  • Final Professional Exam: 25 points
  • Aggregate from all college exams: 15 points

The PMDC Test or PMT score gets cumulatively calculated based on the marks obtained by a student in the above mentioned 100 points. The higher the marks in these 100 points, the better the PMT score.

Along with the PMT Score Nadra portal also shows the national ranking. This indicates the standing of a student compared to other medical students of the same batch based on PMT scores. The score is dynamic and keeps changing based on new results updates.

How to increase PMT score for better ranking?

Here are some tips to help you improve your PMT Score Nadra and ranking when you check online on Nadra:

1. Aim for distinction in professional exams – These national level exams hold maximum weightage of 85 points. Scoring distinction and high marks will directly boost your PMT score.

2. Perform consistently well in medical college exams – Your aggregate percentage contributes 15 points. Scoring high in university exams over the 5 years will help increase your PMT score.

3. Identify weaker subjects – Review previous scorecards on Nadra to find subjects where your marks were low. Focus more on understanding and performing better in those subjects.

4. Give equal priority to clinical and theoretical subjects – Both clinical and theory subjects have equal weightage in calculation of the PMT score. Prepare thoroughly in all aspects.

5. Take mock tests – Appearing for sample PMT test papers will help you assess subject wise preparation and work on improvising the weaker areas.

Working consistently hard and following the above tips will enable you to improve your PMT score as seen in the Nadra portal when you check online.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common queries regarding checking PMT Score online on Nadra:

Q1. Is the PMT score mandatory for MBBS students in Pakistan?

Yes, having a PMDC verified PMT score and national ranking is mandatory for all students studying in PMDC recognized Pakistani medical colleges.

Q2. How often does the PMT score get updated on Nadra website?

The score gets updated within few days of declaration of result for every professional exam conducted across colleges. Final year aggregate marks also get updated annually.

Q3. Can I download PMT scorecard from Nadra website?

Yes, Nadra website offers students to download and print their detailed PMDC verified PMT scorecard instantly which can be used for official requirements.

Q4. Does Nadra website show subject wise breakdown of PMT score?

Yes, the online PMT portal shows section wise marks and score comparison analysis over previous exam results. It helps students identify stronger and weaker subjects.

Q5. Can I use Nadra PMT scorecard for foreign admissions?

Yes, many students use the PMDC verification to showcase their national academic progress and rankings when applying for foreign universities.


Checking your PMT Score Nadra online at regular intervals is important to stay updated on your national ranking and find scope for improvement. Nadra offers a user-friendly and instantly accessible platform for medical students to monitor their PMT score based on performance in professional exams across 5 years of MBBS study. 

The online system also enables downloading verified scorecards that can be used for multiple official requirements. By following the score boosting tips, maintaining consistency in academics and analyzing weaker areas, students can target improving their PMT Score Nadra for enhanced national level ranking on Nadra website.

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