bisp waseela e taleem program online registration on Mobile app 2023 -24

These are not the Bisp Waseela e Taleem Program. Their parents go and make the slips fail inside the schools. After filling out the slips, they submit it to the PISP Ehsaas office. So, despite this, they do not get the money they have. What are the reasons for this? Yes, because now the government has increased the stipend for boys and girls by Rs.

Will get Rs. A girl used to get 3000, a high school student will now get 3500 and a child will get 3000 Four thousand rupees were given to a girl child, forty-five hundred rupees to a girl child, and four thousand rupees to a boy. Okay fine? Now why is that money not coming? I tell you that.

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Bisp Waseela e Taleem Program Registration Eligibility

Whenever you do. Slip, from the school teacher. So what happens to his data? The school and the child’s own data, his parents, that is, father’s name, mother’s name, student’s name, teacher’s name, teacher’s mobile number, and parent’s mobile number, are very important things. , that I tell you, what that is. They are these things.

New registration method

First, the child’s registration number in the school should be written on the slip, which is the child’s registration number on the school computer or on the register, the same number should be given on the title. If even one of the figures in this number is lost, move on. Or if it falls behind, the Bisp Waseela e Taleem Program will not come. One thing is the school code. There are some private schools by hand.

Or there are government schools, each school has a code. Government schools have codes and private schools have codes. It has a registration number. The number registered by the government is fine for private schools, that number has to be written on the top of this slip. The child’s attendance should be seventy percent. If the child is not attending seventy percent. The child is not represented. Seventy percent.

So you will not be given a stipend. Three things must be kept in mind. Madam’s mobile number should also be kept. The three that I mentioned the child’s registration number, the school’s code or registration number, and all the details of the child should be precisely the same on the slip as they should be in the school’s papers. If there is a backlog, your child will not get Bisp Waseela e Taleem Program. Seventy percent will not attend. Even then, children’s welfare will not be. Even if the school is not registered, the Bisp Waseela e Taleem Program will not come.

After every three months, the team of Benazir or Ehsaas goes for verification within the school. If the child’s stipend does not come, check with the school that the verification of our child has been done. No, if the school officials say that the verification has been done, then the Bisp Waseela e Taleem Program will receive it, if the verification is not done, it means that your child’s data is incorrect and you should go to Benazir Income Support Program and find out. Tell me what is going wrong.

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