Benazir Kafalat program Janch Partal Khawateen Ko 8500 Qist Jari Bisp October 2023 Update

Benazir Kafalat program Janch Partal Khawateen Ko 8500 Qist Jari


Good News Update 2023

Today’s post is good news for checking women. Very good news on Benazir Kafalat program beneficiaries. Today is the date of Jammeh today 6 October and the examinees who are women. An installment of 8500 has been released. Now which women are they? Who has been issued an installment of 8500? And somewhere there are women who are checking.

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Which have not been released. Which women are they? And how much will your PMT score be? Then you will be placed in the examination hall. And when will your permanent installment start?  And how many episodes have you received? This is my post title for today. Now I come to my topic in the post, which is women who are examined.

Money has been released to them. How many have been released? Will they continue to receive these permit installments? Will not be found? And which women were not released this money? Coming to this. So that you get the information. And without wasting your time, go to this post.

 October Dynamic Survey 2022

Firstly, the dynamic survey was started in October last year. In this dynamic survey, the women who were declared eligible or whose score was less than thirty-two were stopped by the government. Due to stopping their installments they have what they have. Those episodes were not being released. And his score was less than thirty two. But they were kept under scrutiny. And installments were not issued to them.

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Which women will get Benazir Kafalat program 85000 installment

Now within March of this year I am talking about Mat. In the March episode, who was released to these women for the first time, they got 8500. After that, the program started again in August. Eighty five hundred rupees were also received in August. Now eighty five hundred rupees are being given again within October.

Now which women are they? Of which eighty five hundred have been issued within this October. And who are the women to whom eighty-five hundred rupees will be released within the next month of November?  You must listen to that bit so that you know and instead of running somewhere, you get complete information while sitting at home.

For women whose score was less than 32 PMT score. And they have been coming under scrutiny for the past six months or so. 8500 has been issued to them. And those women who have received 8500 rupees within August. The episode will be re-released next month in November. Now these are the women who are getting 8500 for the first time and their scrutiny was coming.

Will this installment be found every time?

God willing, their installments will be within 2024. These will be fixed and permanent issued. Like regular episodes of other women. So far the scrutiny has been placed on them. That the government has as much budget as possible. According to this budget, the installments are released to the women.

Because those are regular women. They are then released to non-regular women. Which are not yet regular which will be regular within 2024. Regular money will be issued to them within 2024. Until that time, they will continue to receive installments of eighty-five hundred or nine-nine thousand.

Status Check Check Payment 2023

But their status will remain under scrutiny. That status will not be eligible for them. Their status will be eligible at that time when they will be issued permit cash. It will happen in 2024. If not earlier, now those women who could not receive money earlier in August and their PMT score is less than thirty-two.

And that which is October is the episode of eighty-five hundred. They are entitled to take them. But those women who have taken 8500. 8500 will be issued to them by November within August. Eighty-five will be made or nine thousand will be issued, it will be decided later. It’s okay, so the women will take the money today within October. They will then go and celebrate the 85th in December, so this is the procedure. which are women under scrutiny.

What should be the PMT score?

There was this post about them that 8500 have been released. Now they will continue to meet. But women whose score will be less than thirty two. If your score is more than thirty-two. Then you will be disqualified. And you will not be paid any money. is less than thirty-two. As the women say.

Twenty-five is the score, thirty is thirty-one, twenty-nine is twenty-four, twenty-one is twenty-two, and so is the score. And they come under scrutiny. These will be issued to them. In phases some were released in August, some were released in Komach and some have been released now. Some in October will now be released in November.

Some will be released and you will continue to receive money. But until the next year comes and they cannot become regular applicants, that is, those who are beneficiaries, then regular installments will not be issued to them. Check video

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