BISP 4 Good News in July – Benazir Kafalat and Ehsaas Kafalat Program 4 new Update

I am going to share with you four to five most important updates in the coming three months regarding Benazir Kafalat and Ehsaas Kafalat Program.

Benazir Kafalat and Ehsaas Kafalat Program first Update new 2023

Savings accounts were already getting money. How to get money without a non-biometric thumb is now closed. How will the account open. The next payments are going to be made in September. 5566 rations have started. You can take it. I’ve seen yesterday taking people with my own eyes to pay as a program. I’ll share his account with you. Eighty-one service has been reopened. You’ll also be updated about it. That four to five most important updates are very useful to become beneficiaries of the Benazir Kafalat and Ehsaas Kafalat Program. Take copies, pencils write them down now. There will be no mistakes in any of them. So I’ll be responsible.

Ehsaas Kafalat Program 30,500 rupees update

The best thing about an account is that a person cannot control whatever money he has. A woman has received 30,500 rupees, her card was blocked, as soon as she opened it, there were thousand five hundred rupees in it, she opened the saving account and deposited money in it. She herself can maintain these saving accounts whenever she wants to withdraw as much money as she wants, meaning that she can use thirty thousand five hundred as she wants.

Ehsaas Kafalat Program next installment in September update

The third update will get the next installment in September This I have color-cut you the next installment of nine thousand rupees of children’s educational scholarships and Kafalat program will be released in September which earlier we were countering this informed has now gone in September. Fifty-five and sixty-six ration program all beneficiaries of Ehsaas Kafalat and Benazir Kafalat they can get their subsidies from all over Pakistan on the utility store regarding the ration program using their identity card number 5566.

Check some have twenty-five hundred and you can get this payment immediately through the identity card and thumb. Registration service is opened only for people who had a block card. They can get their card on-blocked to become the beneficiary of the program again.

Last update 2023

One of the most important updates is that the money that was getting before is now closed. Beneficiaries who have been involved in the children’s educational scholarships program for the last two or three years, especially in the Benazir Kafalat and Ehsaas Kafalat. Now their money has been stopped. The most important bet on this is imposed by this government new dynam conducted a survey that is already taking money. The survey is mandatory for them as a result of which your episode does not come due to its result you are writing again and again.

The reason that the previous installment was received or before that seven thousand got eighty-five hundred but nine thousand did not come or seven thousand got eighty-five hundred did not come, it is because new dynamic registration surveys will be conducted. After that, if your score comes below the bottom, then only you will get money, this is clear non-biometric i.e. payment without thumb, accounts are going to open, on the occasion of the next installment, the government has announced, but the current case is that it is getting it through thumb. So you have to go to the office and fill a form through which you can get this money.

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